Nouvelles du réseau européen

mercredi 27 octobre 2004 par Jacqueline Lautmann

Message de Isabelle Desplat :

Chers amis, Voici quelques propositions qui émanent du réseau européen de la CNV, dont j’ai l’élan de me faire l’écho auprès du réseau francophone.

Pour ma part, il se peut que j’aille à Angsbacka (Suède) pour participer au festival du Nouvel An organisé par Kåre, que j’ai eu l’occasion de connaître et d’apprécier au festival cet été au Danemark.

Message de Kåre :

Dear friends,

I am enjoying autumn days with wind and rain and yellow leaves here in the forests of Värmland, Sweden. I’d like to share 3 things with you :

1) Training with Marshall : I’ve mentioned before that Marshall is coming to Ängsbacka Meditation Community by Karlstad in Sweden next weekend (29 oct), for a 3-day training (2 days if you want that). Please contact me if you might be interested. There is a cheap bus, Swebus express, Berlin-Copenhagen-Gothenburg-Karlstad passing right by here for those who live in that direction. If you’re going to the Estonia workshop you could consider continuing here afterwards (as does Marshall). Please pass this information to anyone else you might think is interested. (website : , e-mail

2) Ängsbacka Community & New Year Celebration at Ängsbacka : We’re in an exciting period here at Ängsbacka, building up a new community where we’re really trying to integrate the principles of NVC. We’re steadily growing, now 9 persons full time, soon to be 15, and expecting to be around 20 by Christmas. We invite people to live with us full time, or visit us for personal retreats one or more weeks, or attend one of our retreats, trainings or festivals. Maybe some of you might be interested ? In any case, I hope some of you would like to join us for the New Year’s festival, which is 4 days of loving atmosphere, fun, learning, friendships, and celebration of life, with live music, a smorgasbord of interesting workshops (including NVC) and much more. We expect to be more than 100 people for the festival. Contact me for more info if you are interested.

3) NVC Open Space Spring Gathering : Following the success of the Denmark festival, I am thinking of organising an open space NVC gathering at Ängsbacka some time this winter/spring. The format is still open. One idea I have is of a 7 day event, where you can come for as many days as you would like. There would be opportunities to both offer workshops and attend workshops on a variety of topics. Possibly we could limit the topics to 3 or 4 major areas, and focus our energy around that. May might be the best time for such an event. I request feedback from any of you who might be interested in cooperating in plan for, taking part in and spread the word of such an event.

I would also really appreciate it if you could spread this information in e-mail networks you might be part of.

Warm greetings